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Old 16 January 2019, 02:05   #1
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Super frustrated with A1200 resetting in some weird cases

Hi there, I just registered after having searched this and other Amiga related forums for months now.

I have aquired an A1200 about a year ago and fitted a gotek and ACA1233n-40 after recapping it. I also installed a 2.5" IDE HDD and had to repartition it several times because of the known MAXTRANSFER limitation... well that's how you learn. It should be corruption free now.

The A1200 has never really worked in a satisfactory manner.

When the ACA1233n is not used, the A1200 seems to run stable for hours. As a test we had Elite 2 run for several hours and some other games, loaded from floppy and also from the gotek.

The four caps mentioned on the icomp wiki had been removed by the previous owner already. Board is a Rev. 1D

But when the ACA1233n is in the slot the system will reset at times. It seems to me, that this is when the HDD is being accessed. For example: I will play a few levels of lemmings and have the system powered on doing some fiddling around in workbench. Then I'll play eye of the beholder and try to save and the amiga resets.

The only thing left to try is that the PSUs I own could be going to sh** and so I have ordered a new PSU from which is supposed to be beefier than the original commodore PSUs. Well... and it most certainly has no leaky caps as everything is brand new.

The power connection is clean, I have cleaned it thoroughly. Wiggling the connector shows no issues. Hitting the table also does not produce any crash, so I guess the ACA1233n is seated firmly.

I have measured both PSUs with a voltmeter, but not under load as I was afraid to short something out and kill the machine. If this was cheaper hardware I would probably get over myself and take some actual measurements, I also have an oscilloscope to have a look at the curves. But I don't have a lot of experience with it yet and would rather not blow up my 500+ euro investment.

Anyway, I am close to selling everything off again, because I just can't enjoy it at all if the systems crashes all the time after some use.

I am at my wits end. What else could it be? Is there some sort of stability test I can run to get some sort of insight or at least reproduce the resets somehow to narrow this down?
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