Thread: Minix
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Old 15 January 2019, 16:22   #8
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Join Date: Jul 2015
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Age: 52
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Just a quick heads-up! It's been three years already! Well, only last month I managed to get my A1200 up and running, after finally having the physical space to set it up (moving to a much larger home.)

I am using the Atari ST version of MINIX (running under the Hatari emulator) as a development machine, as even the latest versions of WinUAE don't provide reliable support for hard drives under MINIX (although it works fine from floppy.) MiNT under the Atari ST also provides a minix-fs driver, so that I can easily move images from virtual MINIX filesystems to a windows folder, from which I can read files and import them in WinUAE or my A1200 (via PCMCIA CF reader.) It's a bit convoluted, but it works.

I managed to re-compile the OS after applying the and .2 patches. Note for some reason I couldn't get a working kernel image with the assembler string handling routines compiled into libc.a; both my A1200 and WinUAE (emulating both A1200 and A500) crash at boot. As this is not of immediate concern for my work, I'll try to address the problem later.

As I mentioned earlier, the idea is to build a IDE driver. As a first step, I managed to modify the kernel to introduce a check for the Gayle gate array, and the kernel successfully identifies it, both on my A1200, and on WinUAE-emulated A600 and A1200.

Next step: implementing the IDE register map.

Last edited by rabindranath72; 22 January 2019 at 11:18.
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