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Old 13 November 2018, 22:50   #50
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Join Date: Aug 2018
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Originally Posted by Korodny View Post
Hiding a second, completely independent computer inside your Amiga case that does the actual work
then what's a vampire?

but i don't want to argue any further than that. everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I am clearly aware that what I want is frivolous and pointless in the long run, but some people like jumping out of planes without parachutes or launching a convertible into space. To each, his own.

getting back to the original topic, the hardware i mentioned a few posts ago is spec'd out as follows:

fits Amiga 2000, 3000 and 4000 (Zorro 2/3 compatible). the 500/1000 guys will surely find a way to make it work.

feast your eyes on this:
Xilinx 7 series FPGA
RTG up to 1920x1080 32bit
AGA support (scandoubler)
Dual 666MHz ARM Cortex A9 coprocessors to offload computing tasks like JPEG, MP3 decoding and graphics acceleration
1GB DDR3 RAM (hopefully has a couple extra slots)
Ethernet interface (I'm assuming 1GB since it's on the board itself)
SD Card interface

Drivers, firmware and schematics will be open sourced

I couldn't find any more information than that, but it's even more than I hypothesized (I would have been happy with a single additional ARM processor). This guy really wants to impress his friends...and so do I.

expected release in Jan/Feb

If that didn't just perk up some ears and raise some eyebrows, I don't know what will.
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