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Old 06 October 2018, 05:32   #10
Code Kitten
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Originally Posted by trydowave View Post
I knew that a semi decent port existed on the Apple IIGS
but wasnt aware until recently that the source is available to download.
As a non programmer I wanted to ask the community if this could be ported to the Amiga and if at all, improved? (smooth scrolling for instance). How much of a task is it if it is even possible?
Originally Posted by phx View Post
IMHO an A500 should easily handle that. There is no parallax scrolling. Not many moving objects. I didn't even see any tile animations or foreground tiles. Would be quite boring to implement.
Phx is right, the A500 is more powerful graphically and CPU wise than an Apple II GS so it would have no trouble replicating the II version pixel for pixel. But it has to be noted that this version is quite cut down from the arcade (even if it looks really nice, aside from the choppy scrolling).

The arcade version boasts many more colors, parallax scrolling of the background mountains, better music (FM synthesis) than the II GS and would actually be a more interesting target.

Also, there would be little to be gained from the source code alas since it is machine code and the II GS does not use a 68000 CPU but a 16 bit version of the C64/VIC20/Atari-8bit/Oric's 6502 so conversion would actually be quite tedious.

As others have said, it would probably be simpler to start from scratch.
Note that Rastan is on my (long) list of arcade games to (re)port to the Amiga, you will just have to believe me that I will eventually get to it. (Do not hold your breath! )

Originally Posted by trydowave View Post
I know this wont be ported but just out of curiosity. Could an ECS/OCS amiga handle this. OR would the parallax be a major problem?

I would like to think EHB mode could be used and TFMX for music and fx. Full screen 50fps.

I can dream
EHB or 32 colors should be fine, the sprites are big but there are not that many of them and they seem to be within the capabilities of the OCS blitter.
The parallax scrolling is obviously more of an issue but there might be ways around that.
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