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Old 02 October 2018, 14:52   #37
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Originally Posted by adonay View Post
However this is maybe the only available aftermarket case for A600 computers.
Indeed, though its primary motivation was for the A500 as a remake of the much older Checkmate case.

Not sure why you would move the A500/A600/A1200 to this, as it does not make sense unless there is some sort of PCI bridgeboard coming.
There's not, however there is a Zorro-II extender coming for it for the A500 that will let you use a Zorro-II card and a sidecar expansion like the ACA500 inside the case. There's less of a benefit for the A600 or A1200, though if you wanted to use a CD-ROM drive and solve power supply issues it's an option.

Hope those who want it get it though .
Well, that's it really. It's nice to have a choice, and retro computing still means different things to different people. Many people strive for original, pristine vintage hardware these days, but there are still plenty of people out there who enjoy modding their machines, trying to push them as far as they can go.
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