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Old 23 October 2003, 15:21   #1
Posts: n/a
Hey Toni, any juicy details for R10 ?

First of all, I'd like to say what a great board this looks.
Tons of Amiga nuts, all in the same place

I've owned almost all of the Amiga range, back in their glory days.

Now, I just use WinUAE to re-live all those old Amiga classic games.

Toni, great emulator, I love it.

Any details of what you got planned, or we can dream about, in R10 ?

I would love to see if this BLIT filter can be introduced into WinUAE

One can only imagine the results of this filter, on those Amiga classics
The only emulator I know of, that supports this feature, is the SNES emulator ZSNES WIP version.
And believe me, SNES games never looked soo good.

Anyway, keep up the good work, Toni.
And I look forward to the next version,
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