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Old 20 September 2018, 07:54   #471
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
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Originally Posted by amiga_amigo View Post
Ok then - just thought the pc screen would look more like a crt-monitor with "scanlines" since there were no high-dpi TFT-Flatscreens back in the amiga times.
PC modes don't leave "empty" scanlines like Amiga non-laced modes do. (2x the scan rate = reason why PCs needed expensive monitors)

When the second window (pc bios screen) opens, the scanlines in the AMIGA window disappear.
Attach screenshots.

Unfortunately i can't reproduce it currently - i only get the application to freeze until windows complains and asks whether to close it or wait (forever).
In this case you can open task manager, right click winuae.exe and select dump file option.

a hard time setting up ems memory under dos. Tried a few memory managers - also EMM.sys from the Janus disk. It just threw an error "incompatible hardware" or something with the A2386sx emulation. Another Janus tool brought up pc bios for adjusting settings but neither
Attach HDF or dos floppy that has this configuration. (But I got report that EMM does work..). Make sure RAM size is not too large, chipset has some addressing limits. Try max 4M to be sure.

the "end" nor "esc"-key of the keyboard were working to exit bios. I haven't tried the other Janus files yet (adisk, amouse, aread, awrite, etc.) but i would fear similar compatibility problems.
Read the bridgeboard manual. PC END = Amiga numpad 1. I have used aread and awrite, they work fine.

Make sure janus handler version string texts appear at PC boot.
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