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Old 07 September 2018, 11:57   #13
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Originally Posted by jbenam View Post
It's highly dependent on how ruined is the disk. I've had very ruined disks from which I *really* wanted to take data off which made the drive not read anything after just a few tries. Some IPA later, the drive was back.
Thats's the thing; for me, that does nothing. I'll try and clean another drive to see if that does anything, but I'm quickly running out of ideas. I have dabbled with Amigas for pretty much exactly 33 years and I've seen drives come and go, but not once have I managed to irreparably ruin three within 10 minutes, regardless of how the disks look. I've had disks with sand in them that didn't damage the drive, I've spilt cola in some that prevented it from even rotate, the drive choked but resumed operations right after and I've had 'El Condor Pasa' play for hours without killing the drive.

This is ridiculous.
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