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Old 17 August 2018, 07:37   #1109
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Once again, a cracking job done here by DamienD. Thank you just seems so inadequate.

As I didn't grow up with using a single button joystick (asides from playing games on the old VCS/2600), one thing that has often put me off is the use of up to jump, or to accelerate, when my instinct is to use a button instead, like I did on the Sega Master system/Mega drive and Super Nintendo. Also, I found I'd often jump when I didn't want to, or not jump when I did want to. I know a lot of us grew up with this control scheme, and to many of us up to jump feels more natural, but it never has for me. Anyway, as I use an xbox 360 controller, it dawned on me just now that I could use the remap function to remap up to a button. So I just tried that, and now my only wish is that I'd thought of that sooner. I know I may be the last person to think of doing this, but if anyone else is reading this that could never get used to up to jump, well, perhaps this may be worth a try?
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