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Old 08 August 2018, 20:04   #3
Graham Humphrey
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Norwich, Norfolk, UK
Age: 37
Posts: 11,167
(Could a kind moderator change the thread title to 'Norwich Amiga Group - news and events' please? I'll use this one thread for everything...)

We've got another meet. Same venue and time as the last event, on Thursday 16th August. Facebook event link

We should have several machines available to play - my CD32 will be there and we should have an A600 and an A1200 as well, at least - and plenty of multiplayer games to try (Four or five-player Dynablaster is on the list). We also take requests, and if anyone has any software or hardware they'd like to come and show off, then by all means do so.

If you're in the area, come along and say hi, and have a game or two. It's free entry but as One Life Left have kindly let us have use of their cafe for free, I'd urge everyone to buy a drink to help cover their own costs and show support for such an excellent venue.

Here's a brief video summary of the last meet, in the meantime: [ Show youtube player ]

And some photos on Facebook.
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