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Old 05 July 2018, 09:48   #70
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The Amiga examples you give are for people who are interested specifically in the original hardware, and while they might also be interested in a new reproduction, that isn't guaranteed. What price point do you think would work, and for how many people? The Amiga is a vastly more complicated machine to emulate than a Spectrum, and requires much more powerful hardware and software as a result, which will push the price far higher than the Spectrum Next. If you want the new Amiga to have a similar case to the originals, you will need to get that custom made, and the Kickstarter you're talking about is a very good starting point: €90, just for a case. And that's without getting a custom keyboard and keycaps made, and without putting a single electronic part inside.

Then you've got the licencing - of course, you'll need to licence the OS, and if you want to include games with it, you'll have to get licences for them too, and especially compared to the Mini-SNES, that will be trickier and more expensive than you might think.

So yes, there might be demand, but is it enough at the high price such units would cost to work? Maybe not.
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