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Old 03 July 2018, 14:16   #67
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Originally Posted by plasmab View Post
Indeed. To those who insist the demand is there I invite you to invest your own money to make the products happen. If you are not willing to do that then you do not have much cause to complain about there being no new products.
I'll be very happy to invest some money on a brand new classic Amiga hardware or in a company that will intend to do it. Not just as a customer but as an (little) investor if there was such a project.

In fact, I just don't understand how is it possible to considers that there isn't any demand.

1 / raised 2*100 000€ to make brand new cases for A500/A1200. Not even a complete keyboard. Just plain plastic cases for people that already have a functionnal Amiga.

2 / a brand new Speccy, which sold pretty much like the Amiga in his lifetime, was kickstarted and produced last year (250 000€ were raised. Or was it pounds ?). And I'm pretty sure that the Amiga is far more known / sought among retro players nowaday because of its legacy in the VG history. Everything Amiga related have an ever growing price on the net and I'm not sure this is because hardcore Amiga users are becoming richer.

4 / you sold 3/400 units of an extension that implie to have a CD32. You ca'nt make more niche market than that yet you sold hundred of them. In fact, I'm really impressed by the sales figures because CD32 isn't by far the most common of Amiga model, the TF328 is an handcrafted product without any advertising that you have to order on little konwns internet website except for the hardcore base of Amiga users and it is not even mandatory to run the vast majority of CD32 games. (I'm won't be surprised if 90% of CD32 owners are even aware of its existence).

5 / What people are wanting in this retro wave isn't something that recquire you to be a soldering or an hardware/software master. Just something plug and play, with a good retro design, slightly modernized (they don't even care if it is emulated or real new old hardware).
Everybody can buy a Raspberry, put hundreds of games and emulator on it and plays till the end of time. Yet peoples rushed on the NES/SNES mini editions which is more expansive and with just 20/30 games.
They bought a case with an emulator inside. They didn't care to know if hardware had anything related to NES or SNES.
Oh yes, this is Nintendo, but we aren't speaking about selling 6 millions units of a New Amiga. Even 0,1% of this market would be profitable.

The only thing that can refrain to do such a project, is the possibility that the retro wave bubble bursts.

Last edited by sokolovic; 03 July 2018 at 15:16.
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