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Old 10 June 2018, 21:43   #48
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Trondheim, Norway
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Originally Posted by Minuous View Post
>AROS is way past OS3.9 levels of functionality

No, it isn't.
Yes it is, SMP and partly memory protection is already mentioned, being able to run on several hardware platforms is also functionality. Being able to use more RAM than 68k AmigaOS can dream of. Plenty of other things are also way beyond what OS3.5+ can offer.

In fact according to their own page the OS3.1 implementation is only 82% complete, let alone OS3.5/3.9 support.
What do you mean "OS3.5/3.9 support"? What you _should_ mean are v44+ changes to the actual APIs, but I suspect you are for most part talking about 3rd party additions like Reaction etc.

>To equal the functionality of OS3.9 was never a goal for AROS

That is exactly the problem.
Well, ironically, the "official" OS3 developers are facing the same problems as AROS, and are starting on OS3.1 again - even though Hyperion claim ownership to both OS4.1 sources and OS3.1 sources, the OS3.1.4 developers say that Reaction sources - which indeed is part of OS4.1FE - are off limits. Why is that, do you think?
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