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Old 14 May 2018, 16:45   #29
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Pretty good, here the excerpt with the most important stuff in bold:

Originally Posted by Paradroid Manual
The transfer game involves the I.D. fighting the target droid for overall
control. The central control bar is split into 14 elements, initially set to
alternating yellow and on the first ship, red elements. Timer indicators-straddle
the central bar, and various wires lead from each side of the bar to two
outside tracks.

You have a few seconds to select which side to wish to play on, while the time
indicators rise from the bottom of the central bar to the top, your droid and
target droid are shown on the relevant sides at the top. Move the joystick left
or right to select your side. Initially you are on the left (yellow) side. Which
side you select will depend on the arrangement of the wires and circuit
components on each side.
Once you have selected the side to play on, the timer
will reach to the top and begin to count down. You have until the timer reaches
to bottom to get the majority of the central bar elements over to your colour
by firing your pulsers, shown on the very outside of the layout. This transmits
power of your colour through the circuit to the central bar, changing the colour
of the central element or elements reached to your colour. The spark under to
dome at the top of the central bar shows the colour of side currently holding
the most elements. The more powerful the droids involved, the more pulsers you
get to start with.
Pulsers enter the side tracks from the top and may be moved up and down with
the joystick. Press fire and the pulser moves forward and transmits power along
the wire for a few seconds before it burns out. Various components modify this
power along the way to the central bar, and should be taken into account when
choosing which lines to fire along, these are;

1. Splitters - Power branches out into 2 paths
2. Joiners - Power must arrive at both inputs to allow power through.
3. Auto-pulsers - Once activated by power, these will continue to produce power
on their own until the end of the game.
4. Terminators - Power cannot pass through and is wasted.
5. Colour switches - Power is converted to the opponents colour.

These components may be arranged in very complex ways, but it is usually best
to pick the side with the most splitters and auto pulsers and avoid too many
joiners and colour switchers.

Succesful takeover of the majority of the central bar at the end of the game
will enable the I.D. to `hop over` to target droid, and the previous host will
burn out and be destroyed. Failure to takeover a droid will result in the
destruction of the target droid, and the I.D.`s current host, if present. If the
I.D. was fighting the transfer game alone and loses it will be destroyed and
the whole game is over. In the event of both sides having an equal control of
the central bar, and the deadlock occurs the transfer is replayed.
Another hint: Let the enemy droid act first. Each node that he activates first will be yours when you fire at it after him (provided you both have access to it).
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