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Old 12 April 2018, 23:00   #1
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Best sounding 8 channel tracker?

Hello everyone, every now and then i start up OctaMed Soundstudio on my A1200 (ACA1220 and some FastRam) just for fun. Sometimes i ran out of voices, so i experimented with the different channel modes. However, i always found myself going back to the default 4-channels. The additional voices never seemed to justify the deterioration in sound quality. Also, the 64-channel mode turns out to be a little too resource hungry, resulting in drop outs and other strange behavior.

I am aware, there a quite some alternatives like Art Of Noise, Stonetracker, Digibooster, MusiclineEditor and others but i never did much with any of them. As far as i know, they all use similar methods to play back 8 channels but i am sure, they all have their pros and cons.

So, my questions would be, which experience do you have with 8-channel trackers? Which one works best for you and why? Are there other options that i am missing out on?

And while i am at it, does anyone have some advise on how to optimize sound quality in Soundstudio when playing back more than 4 channels?

I'm looking foreward to your responses, thanks in advance!
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