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Old 07 April 2018, 10:47   #20
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Today the Team would like to share with you an awesome news.
- No more Stretch goals for Extra Colors!

- Here what happened, and why we had a Stretch Goal first hand:

Producing very small QTY in any given color is costly, due to the color change fee that any manufacturer charge you with.
Small QTY like the PINK A1200 cases for instance.

– Reminder: A1200 case colors were chosen by Amigans through two polls the team ran back in the days.

Following A1200 case production, our partner informed us he couldn't operate the A500 case production under the same condition we agreed on the A1200 cases. This led us to create the Color Stretch goal you saw at campaign launch.

For each color change through production, there is a color change fee.

These includes:
  • Removing molds from Injection
  • Cleaning of each molds & cleaning injection system
  • Molds re-install, setup & calibration for next production.

This operation can take up to two days.

The team has been in discussion with manufacturer since end of A1200 case production (for backers).

Yesterday evening we ultimately found an understanding with our partner, and they agreed to proceed under the same conditions than production of the A1200 case, but this time for the A500 case.
  1. - ALL COLORS are back within standard Campaign Goal.
  2. - TANK MOUSE Shells Stretch Goal has been Adjusted!

The team is very glad to share this awesome update with you guys 😉

Thank you for your support.

Like for the A1200 cases, we need all Amigans on this to create new molds for Amiga 500 cases.


Last edited by amenophis; 07 April 2018 at 10:58.
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