Thread: Flac player
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Old 05 March 2018, 14:38   #1
son of 68k
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Flac player

For those who don't know, this is free lossless audio codec.
And I have a player to handle these on the Amiga. Yes.

It's been long I coded this one. However it never really got released because it was impractical to use (and a few buggy).
But I finally turned it into a usable player (well, sort of).
Hence this program.
Also made some translating effort so that there is an english version

To be fetched here :

Choose the one you want from english and french in the relevant sub-dir and put it somewhere in the path. It doesn't need any particular software installed, however it uses 14bit calibration where available (highly recommended on real miggies, but don't try that on emulators).

Minimal configuration to play flacs realtime is 68030/50 - and some may still fail. Trying with lower lpc setting when encoding can help (lowering the replay frequency also does, of course).
On 68060 there should however be no problem.
If your machine is too slow, don't panic ! It can still decode to a file.
Bare minimum is similar as unexpanded A1200 (68020, OS 3.x).

For now, it's cli only. If someone wants to make a nice gui, just speak

Usage :
spl <file> [options]
where options can be :
- save as aiff file : saveas file.aiff
- play n times : loop n
- set volume : vol n (if 14-bit is used, can boost up to 800)
- show basic information : info
- play 44.1 in 2:1 (22.05 khz, fastest but not so good) : method 0 (this is the default)
- play 44.1 in 5:3 (26.46 khz, accurate but slow) : method 1
- play 44.1 in 8:5 (27.563 khz, relative fast) : method 2
- play 44.1 directly (req. vga/dblpal display) : method 3

To stop the replay before the end, press ctrl-c. If there is no output window then you'll have to send it a break with another program (like artm or xoper).

Note : fully OS compliant software. Does proper audio allocation. Should exit cleanly and not do enforcer hits, nor have any resource leaks.
(If you find otherwise, time for a bug report )

The program has more features than documented here because they're not finished.
Normally it should also play aiff, wave, iff-8svx, and a few others (but they're unfinished).
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