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Old 22 January 2018, 16:56   #66
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Originally Posted by Steril707 View Post
At the moment it looks kind of amazing already, it's hard for me to imagine what's still missing except collisions and some "game" around it...
As I understand it, at the moment "all" the engine is doing is scaling wall textures ("all" in quotes, because it's doing that very impressively!) - for each frame it's starting with a precalculated list of wall heights for each column on the screen rather than calculating the heights in realtime, so the engine can't yet do free movement within the world.

Raycasting is about figuring out which column of which wall has to be drawn at which height, for every column of pixels on the screen, which is why it's likely to be a bit of a framerate drag. It will be very interesting to see just how much!
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