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Old 08 January 2018, 15:37   #18
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@kalms: Great estimation! And clever use of movep. I was actually considering that instruction for a moment, but was somehow under the impression that it works only on word bundaries, duh!

Writing out four pixels in a longword has another nice effect: As you are completely free to scramble the line order in the display buffer by using an custom copper list (e.g. you can use bpl 0 line 0, bpl 0 line 127, bpl 1 line 0,.. bpl 0 line 1, bpl 0 line 126,...), you can put all high-order bits (x3 and x2) in the first word and the low-order bits (x1 and x0) in the second word. This does not speed up the c2p, but has an advantage:

Use a 2-bit texture, and you can load the 4 texels using a move.w (a0)+,Dn instead of a move.l, as the remaining bits (upper word in Dn) are constant. Either write-out a longword with constant upper word (easier) or fill with blitter afterwards (more complicated, but potentially faster).

You'd need a second set of unrolled code for the 2-bit textures, so higher memory usage, but the textures will be smaller.

Most efficiently one would probably optimize the palette so that often-used textures (like the stone walls in wolf) fit in one of 4-color-blocks each. Not all lines in the texture need to use the same high-order bits, and not all lines need to use 2-bit textures. So a couple of columns with additional colors is possible and would not degrade performance a lot.

And another idea to burn memory: Anisotropic mipmaps, so textures scaled in x direction (in addition to the usual mipmaps). As you always plot columns two pixels wide, the texture may look strange when scaling is non-uniform (e.g. a wall at a steep angle). Doubles memory usage for textures, though.

Anyway, I guess I should dig out my assembler to out some code where my mouth is, I guess . Just fearing I'm quite a bit rusty.

(And I quite dislike Wolfenstein as a game)
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