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Old 19 December 2017, 06:56   #1
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any VIM users on Amiga? Setup question

Greetings. I've been setting up a 3.9 system on a a3000 and am curious if any of you folks work in VIM on Amiga. I love the idea that it was originally developed on Amiga, and I already use VIM on my Linux and Mac systems.

I've installed 6.0 and 6.4 from Aminet. It's been wonky. Even when I have my VIM: pointing to the correct directory, the help.txt won't load up with a :help command. It keeps trying to point to VIM:/doc (which, due to the location of the / will generate an error) even though I've set it up with :helptags VIM:doc/

I see that up to 8.0 is available via GitHub (which is just nuts) but since I'm not even getting older versions to work... well..

I'm sure there's some PEBKAC going on here but if anyone has any insights, (are there folks who use VIM on Amiga?) it would be greatly appreciated.
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