Thread: Amiga Options
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Old 30 October 2017, 18:34   #5
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FPGA is the future, although it's a very expensive present. I've not invested yet nor shall I while prices are this high. However, it's the only way that the Amiga market can evolve and, in the long run, the only way of keeping the Amiga alive. As is, the FPGA is too expensive and still somewhat in the early stages of development. Price, though, is the main obstacle (IMO). There's no guarantee that it will ever go down, though...

You seem to have the SoC solutions well defined and thought out.

But for me, there's still no replacement for the real thing. However, due to price inflation, a real A1200 + accelerator board are still an expensive investment (in the excess of 300€).

A much cheaper alternative, is to go for DamienD's suggestion. Have an old computer (Pentium IV or up) in the garage without any use? Plug it in, configure FS-UAE or even WinUAE (my personal favourite fork of UAE) and boot to AmigaOS. Alternatively use something like Amilator or AmiKit. This is the most inexpensive way, though purists will say that it's just a "pretend" Amiga.

Ultimately, it's up to you to figure out whatever gives your boat the best float. For me, it's still the good, old REAL Amiga.
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