Thread: Amiga Options
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Old 30 October 2017, 17:53   #1
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Amiga Options

I'm evaluating options for some friends to get into the Amiga scene. Buying classic hardware on eBay is not an option (its way too expensive).

Here is what I've come up with:

Standalone FGPA Options
  1. Vampire V4 Standalone (~$500+ ?price not yet announced) - not avail
    - Fastest FPGA Emulation (21.5x ?? faster than A3000)
    - 68060+ Emulation (with AMMX and SAGA exentions)
    - AGA + SAGA Emulation
    - Active Development
    - Closed Source
  2. MIST (link) (~$250) - available now
    - 68020+ Emulation (1.2-2.5x faster than A3000)
    - AGA Emulation
    - Open Source!
    - VGA Out only
  3. MISTer (link) (~$175 w/student discount) - available now
    - 68020+ Emulation (1.5-2.8x faster than A3000)
    - AGA Emulation
    - Open Source!
    - VGA & HDMI + Scan Doubler
    - in active development and using larger FGPA that is expandable!
  4. FPGA Arcade (link) (~$299) - limited availiability
    - Slightly Faster than MISTer (2.34x A3000 speed)
    - Fits in ITX Case
    - AGA Emulation
    - 68060 Daughterboard in development
    - Partially open source?
  5. FleaFPGA (link) (~$45 + ship + kbd/mouse +sdcard) - available soon
    - Speed unknown
    - ECS Only
    - Open Source!
    - Raspberry Pi Zero form factor!

SoC Solutions:
  1. Raspberry Pi3 (uae4arm)
    - Faster than Vampire! (~36x speed of A3000)
    - 68000-68040 emulation
    - AGA Emulation
    - UAEGFx Card emulation
    - Open Source!
    - Cheap (~$35 + kbd/mouse and sdcard)
  2. ASUS Tinkerboard (uae4arm)
    - Fastest SoC emulation (~64x? speed of A3000)
    - 68000-68040 emulation
    - AGA Emulation
    - Must compile sources manually (for now)
    - UAEGFx Card emulation
    - Open Source!
    - Cheap (~$50 + kbd/mouse and sdcard)

What option would you guys recommend to someone interested into getting into the Amiga? I'm leaning toward the new MISTer project, as there seems to be a lot of potential for growth there.

Last edited by gururise; 30 October 2017 at 19:33.
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