Thread: Retina Z2
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Old 21 October 2017, 22:22   #10
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Originally Posted by a2k_newb View Post
Hi All.

I have an old big-box 2000 that I bought years ago. I finally decided to take it off of the shelf, watch a bunch of amiga documentaries to get pumped up, and use probably the most interesting machine I have in my hoard.

I've been slowly adding bits and pieces to make it more useful, as I find affordable upgrade parts..

So far, I've added a GVP 25mhz 030, 2 sticks of 4mb ram, scsi drive, retina Z2, 3.x roms, WB 3.1, and Plipbox ethernet w/miamidx.

Retina EMU seems pretty flakey. The only version i've been able to get working is 1.3. The other retina EMU (2.3/2.4) you click on the program, and you get attempting to run retina emu, and then nothing.

I have had it running, and displaying a nice VGA desktop. Then it seems to fall apart, and I get "not enough memory" black screens (I have 1mb chip, and 9MB of fast on my GVP), followed by a system hang. I've deleted the retinaemu folder, and reinstalled, to no luck. I don't know if there is something else it's saving someplace, that is making it sad.

I wiped my system, fresh blank install, and got it working again, only to have it fall apart on the next reboot.

I have heard there is EGS drivers for this card? Does any one have a copy of them? I've searched high and low, and my google-fu has failed me.

I know the retina Z2 is near the bottom tier of cards, but even the new VA2000 is way outside the price range for a toy.

Thanks for any help.

have you tried these drivers
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