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Old 11 October 2017, 18:02   #5
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Well I personally didn't assume if he's a butterfingers, a regular joe or a professional when I let him know of the tf328 I just wanted him to know the option existed, it's his choice to venture down that path - It's a great path if you want to extend cd32 and the right seller can easily guide him to success imo. He already has the kb/mouse so I'm thinking apart from the floppy analogic and putting a gotek in there this is really his other option... SX32 etc are pricey.

Akira - I don't possess any skill really - I started soldering last month, I never claim to be a professional and always learning, after soldering 1000's of legs on those edge connectors I've even improved in my through-hole. As for the SMD soldering I didn't get the tf328 done in the 1st go, I had to resolder the cpld/ram chips as I was sloppy first time round, mark and I had a good laugh over it though - I joked that I had blown the thing up and smoke came out, should of heard his reaction lol. another time I said windows 95 popped up is that normal, lol joking away because I was seeing red error screens until finally a Workbench lol.

As for the PS1 adapter it has trouble on the compilations, cd32 originals/backups are fine and so are whdload on the workbench via tf328 - but unfortunately ps1 adapter likes to go nuts on the amigajay cd's etc. - still have no explanation for it yet.

I don't use the CD32 as a computer , I have yet to run any software application apart from benchmarks. and the main OS to navigate whdload games, it was my understanding and discovery that a lot of games are kb/mouse dependant so not sure what you mean here. Dizzy collection, to name one whdload pack required me to press F1-F2-F3 to choose a title, other games had keys bound to specific actions. and the mouse, of course, is self-explanatory.

Either way go nuts Enjoy.

Akira read this, he asked .
1) I would like to buy some additional hardware to go with it, I was originally looking at the analogic disk drive but several people have told me there is something else I can buy that will plug into the machine and that I can download most Amiga games and just store on there and play. What do I need to buy and where can I buy it from?
Also to be more specific I'll answer it properly.

the name is a TF328, you can PM a few lads in here, such as supaduper who I personally recommend - he can get you set up mate, zero to hero.

Last edited by solidcore; 11 October 2017 at 18:24.
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