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Old 07 October 2017, 22:51   #1
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AmiStick - high quality arcade stick for classic Amiga

Games are very important part of most Amiga users lives. It's no wonder since Amiga was originally designed as a game console. Unfortunately, there's a big disparity between the quality of games and retro controllers available on the market. Let's be honest - most of them are nothing more than a glorified dildos. They are ugly, uncomfortable and unreliable. Yet, people are using them because of nostalgia and because there's no compelling alternative in sight.

Until now.

Introducing AmiStick - professional quality arcade stick for Amiga. It was designed and built by a gamer and for gamers, with five core principles in mind:
- simplicity
- the comfort of use
- durability
- easy maintenance
- easy customizability

If you want to know more, visit the project official website at, and - if you like what you see - order your very own unit. If you have a question, there's a good chance it was already answered on the website, so please check it first before posting here.

We are taking orders for the first batch until the end of October.

Before I go, here's some pretty pictures to whet your appetite.

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