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Old 12 September 2017, 13:04   #172
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Just for discussion's sake, I build three boards + Gary Rev.C up to now, with the following results:

A500 Rev6a modded for 1MB Chip

Board #1: 4 chips, so 1MB Chip + 1,5 slow: random fill errors when checking full range memory, no errors when checking single 512k regions one at a time.

Board #2: 3 chips, green screen on boot (probably a broken chip, have to find it out)

Board #3: 3 chips, everything's ok

I have now to test all of above on my Rev5 board, then find out why Board #2 goes green screen.

BTW: I ordered 10 main board pcbs + 10 Gary RevC, but I am not planning to use them all, so if someone could be interested within a few weeks (give me time to finish my tests) I would sell all the remainders at cost (say, 5€ each).

BTW#2: maybe it is OT here, but I just wanted your opinion on the following: I am now testing the final proto of (yet another)flashkick switcher. It, as many others, can switch KS by holding CTRL+A+A but mine is different (as far as I know) because it preserves the choice upon power off. So next time you power on you find the last KS you selected (it is done by an AVR micro). At the moment I have a fully working board, and I am trying to make it flashable from the Amiga (currently I flashed the chips externally).
Do you think it colud be of any interest (so I will maybe start a dedicated thread), or is it of no interest for anyone other than me ? Thanks

Last edited by sampedenawa; 12 September 2017 at 14:09.
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