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Old 20 July 2017, 01:03   #38
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Originally Posted by Photon View Post
That chapter is for setting up 1:1 pixel aspect ratio on CRT displays. The article says to use the Grid or Coords tool to ensure that it's really square - in pixels - before whipping out the ruler.
The problem is the pixels themselves, the aspect ratio changes when you change screenmodes, but most software is still doing what, as I said, is the same amount of pixels on X and Y. But if the pixels are shorter on Y...

I'm not sure which version of DP had this problem,. I'll just have to illustrate to you with an example so you don't think I am a crazy person I think this got fixed from DPIII on. Basically if you are in true NTSC mode, a square will not have X and Y being equal.

Do this quick test though: Grab your Deluxe Paint version, draw a 20x20 square, change screenmode to NTSC, and it should be squashed.
Now if your version of Deluxe Paint is the correct one, if you make a square in NTSC, it should look fine compared to the other one. If it looks the same, it's buggy.
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