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Old 22 June 2017, 17:02   #5
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Join Date: Jun 2016
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I meant:
;    subq.l  #6,a3
;    move.w  (a3)+,a0
;    move.w  (a3)+,a1
;    move.w  (a3)+,a2
    move.w (-6,a3),a0
    move.w (-4,a3),a1
    move.w (-2,a3),a2
    move.b  (a3),(a6)+
But, just the same as with AND, it depends on several things. In theory it could be faster. (Ax)+ calc-ea is 2/2/2 (best/cache/worst case), (d16,pc/Ax) is 2/2/3. calc&fetch-ea is 4/4/4 vs. 3/5/6 so in best case scenario it's 1 cycle less and subq is not needed.
For AND calc&fetch-ea looks like 0/0/0 reg and 0/2/3 immed so, again, best case it's the same speed but moveq is not needed. In theory, and assuming 020 ;P.

Let me take a look at 030... Uhm, this is significantly different.
(Ax)+ calc-ea is 0+0/2/2 (head+tail/cache/nocache) and (d16,pc/Ax) is 2+0/2/2, so yeah it's very likely slower on 030.

And regarding the color table. It's fine as is, I simply forgot that asm-one wants the 16-bit displacement at the end, otherwise it will parse it as a brief/old mode and then complain it's not within 8-bit.
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