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Old 22 June 2017, 08:51   #7
Graham Humphrey
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Somehow missed this thread...

Firstly, I think a list of games that can be voted for is a good idea, especially as we don't have as many well-known games to choose from as we normally do and some struggle to come up with suitable games. And there's quite a lot of stuff on that list (not all of them eligible, like Marble Madness, but it's not possible to check everything).

However, I think quality (especially in the context of the competition) is pretty subjective - I certainly wouldn't agree with a number of these - and lists like these shouldn't be an attempt to influence people with their votes. Even more so with a lot of the games at the top which are terrible ideas for competition games. Even if we can find a way to score them, I wouldn't take that as an endorsement of them.
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