Thread: Worm Wars 9
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Old 10 June 2017, 01:16   #4
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I don't have those particular samples in better quality, but I will see if I can replace at least some them with something else.

I find the concept that games shouldn't have music because the user can play music in the background a bit odd; it is pretty standard for games to have music. Having it under the game's control is better because the music can be changed automatically according to what is happening in the game (eg. changing automatically when a new level is reached), rather than the user having to keep pausing, flipping the music player to the front, choosing a new song, flipping back to the game and unpausing. (What you propose is already supported anyway, there is nothing preventing the user from turning off the Worm Wars music and using a 3rd-party module player in the background.)


Thanks, much appreciated.
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