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Old 08 June 2017, 16:40   #28
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Originally Posted by dlfrsilver View Post
Ghouls'n'Ghosts, arcade version, when you emulate it on a PC, takes 16 mega_bytes_ of ram !
When you _emulate_ it

If the CPS systems were not planar, you just should not be able to view the tiles and the sprites inside mame.
The sprite/tile graphic data is planar, the display is NOT! The display is not generated from a planar bitmap, it is generated from a tile map and sprites.

That's extremely important to understand because it has huge implications for the number of on-screen colours, scrolling, animation etc.

In order to detail things better, the Amiga is a planar bitmap display computer, and the CPS system is planar tile display system.
You almost get it... But the key thing to understand here is that the display is not any kind of bitmap, you can't blit stuff onto it. In fact I'm not sure you can even display graphic data from RAM on that system, I'd have to check.

The tiles are not rendered to a bitmap, they are read and displayed using DMA on the fly similar to how the Amiga reads bitplane data just as it is needed.

the CPS1 system has only 1 Z80, and not 2. the main CPU is a 68000, clocked either 10 or 12mhz.
That's what I said!

But yes, it would need a driver (a specific one able to deal with music and sfx at the same time.)
Realistically you would need to re-compose the music down to 2 or 3 channels and maybe drop some of the sound effects simply because you wouldn't have enough channels.

I suggested a way to double up channels to get 8 virtual channels using the blitter, but with everything else there won't be any free cycles for it.
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