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Old 08 June 2017, 14:40   #24
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Join Date: Jun 2016
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Posts: 428
Right, where did you get "16mb" from what? Is that mega BITS or mega BYTES?

The CPS display is NOT planar. The sprite and tile data is stored in a planar format, but the display is tile and layer based with independent palettes. The display is made up of tile maps and sprites. The point here is that you can't simply convert that to a 256 colour planar display.

Also, remember that the 1MB of code is for the arcade hardware... Which has a second Z80 CPU to run sound, so you can chuck all that out and replace it with a light weight Amiga MOD + sound effects player. And ditch most of the background animation, because the blitter isn't going to be able to animate all those trees in the first level fast enough...
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