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Old 08 June 2017, 14:32   #1
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Debugger updates (was: WinUAE Debugger HH PC history)

(How) is the PC history working?

I try to find an Enforcer-Hit. My Program reads a byte from Address 0. The hit seems to point into the linker-library function vprintf, so I have probably passed a Null-Ptr somewhere to a printf-family function, but where?

I did
Shift F12
w 1 0 1 r ; Mem watch point to stop after the illegal read
run my program
WinUAE stops, Rgister A0 is 1

Ok. I see the instruction after my illegal access. One Instruction before is
TST.B (A0)+
So I think this looks like the offending instruction.

Now I thought I can find out where the program came from by typing H or HH or HH 100 or something like that.

But what I see cannot be correct, the instructions in the history do not access memory nor is A1 0 or 1!?

What do I have to do to get a history before the illegal access?
Is Jit or MMU or the selected CPU important?

(I tried with winUAE 3.4.0)

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