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Old 08 June 2017, 11:28   #21
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Originally Posted by dlfrsilver View Post
The problem Anima stands with the bitplans number.... CPS games use something like 8 bitplans in Amiga mode (considering that the CPS systems are planar to start with).
The CPS systems are not planar. The backgrounds and sprites are all tile based, with independent colour palettes that have 16 bits per colour.

If you go to 256 colours on the Amiga it will probably be about the same amount of data, but your game will be very slow.

If the arcade needs 16mb (Ghouls'n'ghosts to name it), with only 16 colors, you lower the bar for the graphics storage.
The ROM files are about 4MB. Maybe you are confusing your units... 2MB of graphic data would be 16Mb.

The Megadrive version is only 5 megabit, which is actually 0.625 megabytes. In other words, the entire Megadrive version would fit into a 1MB RAM Amiga with lots of room to spare.

In any case, with loading between levels it should be no problem, especially after all the graphics and sound are reduced to Amiga level. 512k should be more than adequate.

For Ghouls'n'Ghosts STE, you will need 4mb of ram even with 16 colors for the whole game, also considering the amount of sprite frames and the diversity of the tiles for the whole game.
Yes, because it's using the arcade code that requires all assets to be in RAM all the time.
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