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Old 25 March 2017, 16:49   #24
Ya' like it Retr0?
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Sorry Pat, there is a lot of incorrect information about Amiga and SCSI in general there sir. It's easy to get turned about in SCSI land, I remember my first year working with industrial SCSI arrays and systems in Industrial land - that is an eye opener and steep learning curve thats for sure.

Sadly a lot of miss-information about SCSI is propagated on the web in general - its not an ART as some say it is a very simple and exact science you just need to approach it properly (almost as if you are setting up an IPX network )

Have a read here chap this will get you up to speed - I have posted some some articles on here and AmiBay about SCSI and DMA SCSI on the Amiga and I would humbly suggest having a look at the ABLE SCSI project for the Amiga (it should be on - it will take your knowledge to the next level -

This way my friend we can have a discussion on the method and Protocols thats are emulated by the RPi to throw data to and from the SD Card via the SCSI BUS - also (TCP/IP over SCSI) excites me a lot -

Sadly with some of those statements posted while were discussing Narrow / Wide implemented SCSI 1 / 2 protocols (and their conjunctions) - it kinda seems you are arguing the colour of a blue crayon.

So read some of those links bud, come back fresh and lets have a real discussion on how this could / would be implemented within an Amiga SCSI host =)
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