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Old 16 March 2017, 21:54   #9
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Den Haag / Netherlands
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Originally Posted by Zetr0 View Post
@chocsplease / michaelz

Unfortunately some sign ups do fall into a strange category where their ISP they connect through is absolutely no where near their city or town of where they live - this does raise concerns as in the past AmiBay has had attempts by some nefarious people to scam fellow members.

The team work hard to ensure a speedy manner to resolves these problems - but please know they are not paid individuals they are committed and voluntary - they do have a life outside AmiBay.

There are over 100 sign ups a day with AmiBay, some are bots, some are fake accounts but by and large most are all well intentioned new members to the community.

I would humbly suggest that you contact Sardine and include the name of ISP (BT/Tiscali/Virgin etc) that you are using - this will help if in verifying an account.

At the end of the day its really about doing as much as possible to protect members from scammers and other things that might exploit them.

I think it's a matter of time amibay dies out because of their policies. Geoiplocation is unreliable now a days
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