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Old 07 March 2017, 07:47   #1
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Help looking for three OLD demos

Having had an Amiga since pretty much the beginning with a A1000, 1081 and a 1010, I grew fond of some very old games and demos, the latter which I have never found again later in life. And when I say 'demo', it's not a side scroller by some demo/crack group.

1) Consisted of just a black and white image and a short sound loop. The image was of a man (or a demon) with a hood, holding a big axe in both hands about to swing it at the observer. Beside him on his right was a wolf/dog of considerable size with opened mouth ready to attack. It was a pretty well drawn image, possibly, or probably scanned. The music was some heavy guitar riff in a few second loop, no vocals. I later heard the song on the radio, alas, Shazam wasn't invented back in 1987.

2) This demo was animated and consisted of a sequence of a number of images zoomed in on themselves, think Decker's image scanning machine in Blade runner; a square on the picture getting zoomed in with more and more detail. I think it started in outer space, zooming in on a planet of some sort, getting closer and closer eventually ending up finding an alien skull on the surface of the planet. After that I can't remember anymore, possible it then started zooming out like Brundle's computer machine thing when he learned his DNA had been spliced with a fly.

3) This one is a bit easier, it was, I think a two disk demo of an Imperial Walker (AT-AT) walking on a desktop. On the desktop was a Amiga 2000. The walker, roughly at a montitor's height, was walking from right to left, firing lazes as it progressed.

Please help me find these old things, I have not seen them for 25 years.
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