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Old 28 February 2017, 19:23   #4
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Originally Posted by StingRay View Post
I'd simply patch it "on the fly" similar to how trainers work. That way reversing the compression algorithm to write a custom compressor for the byte code data is not necessary at all.
As would I normally - but then to which (broken) crack, which languages, and for which version do I add it? English was a hand-translated french version, interpols crack was incomplete from what I can tell, the delphine compilation is different to the original etc.

So, although it's much more work, i figure I'll change the source cine file and then everyone has it for whichever version they have chosen to run

I've been away from amiga for close to 25 years and never dealt with amiga HDs before, so I still have to wrap my head around 'whdload' (what it is and now to use it) - but that sounds like it would likely be the most 'complete' version to add this to.
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