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Old 20 February 2017, 02:24   #177
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It is only used by the very complex script that Cyberhead97 made that lets you check for your existing games for AGS2. The same for some more programs that have been added. It has been really difficult to implement AGS2 as it's released, I've spent a lot of time with it.

But please, this is the News thread. Use the Support one for technical questions like this.

Yesterday I commented my thoughts about this AGS2 setup by email to a friend and I think I better share them here too:

"Veamos: Tú ahora abres eso, el AGS2 y dirás "qué bien", pero no lo valoras mucho porque no sabes el trabajo que hay detrás ni todos los programas que necesita para rularlo ni todos los permisos que he tenido que pedir.
Para que te hagas la idea, comentarte que si tu instalaras AGS2 por tu cuenta no tendrías ninguna música rulando, ni podrías elegir entre Games y Demos. Tampoco tendrías (en su carpeta) un script que te permite mostrar sólo los juegos que tienes (esto es extremadamente complicado) y otras cosas. Tampoco tendrías las opciones de "Settings" que muestra el mío -por ejemplo para luego guardar tus "favoritos"-, ni tampoco esos backgrounds, ni siquiera esos screenshots y esa información de cada juego, ya que todo eso ha sido añadido uno por uno."

"Let's see: Now you open AGS2 and you'll say "nice", but you don't really appreciate it much because you don't have an idea about what's behind, not either the programs it needs to run it, not either the permissions that I've had to ask for.
To have an idea, if you install AGS2 by yourself, you won't have any music playing, you can't choose between Games or Demos. You can't either find (in its drawer) a script that lets you show only the Games (or Demos) you've got (that's extremely complicated) and other things. You won't have either those "Settings" options that mine shows -for example to save your Favourite games- neither those backgrounds, not even those screenshots and all of that info of each game, as all of that has been added one by one."

And there is a mod that EasyMod can't play. Edit: You can fix it with this post:

Last edited by Retrofan; 23 February 2017 at 11:27.
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