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Old 02 February 2017, 16:15   #33
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Originally Posted by Arnie View Post
Yup, downloaded that one from the Server, I haven't gotten around to playing it yet as I've been busy fixing the DropZone ADF.

The disk needed Setpatch from WB3.0. I've made a fixed version that works on 1.3, 2.0 and 3.0/3.1 with 2mb chip ram. Grab the file here.....
...was really bored today so decided to correct a few things on the original & Arnie's "fixed" disk:

a) Compress the main file with "CrunchyDat" so that I could fit FastJPEG on the disk.

b) Arrange the icons nicely:

c) Double-clicking on "DropZone.jpg" didn't work as it required "FastJPEG" so downloaded / added to the "C:" folder.

d) Double-clicking on "" didn't work as it required "Multiview". Changed to use "PPMore" and reformatted the text slightly.

e) Added the following extra text that I found on Aminet into "":

The cheat mode is switched on by pausing the game ('p'), then pressing
right-amiga and help. You'll here a sound if it works. Various keys have
different effects when you're paused and the cheat mode is on. For example, 'r'
puts you in random level mode, and 'right square bracket' skips a level.
Remember that you need to be paused when you press a key in cheat mode to get
its effect (many make a sound).

Pressing 'c' on the main title screen brings up the control screen. Use the
cursor keys to make changes. 'Nouns and Adjectives' loosely refers to the
dictionary which is used to create random level names.

When loading, hold down 'space bar' for Scarecrow Mode! Or hold down 'o' for
Original Mode which keeps a dark sky for each level.
New disk attached to this post
Attached Files
File Type: zip DropZone v1.0 (1994)(Tunstall, Richard)(SW).zip (408.0 KB, 266 views)
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