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Old 10 October 2016, 16:14   #15
Olaf Barthel
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Originally Posted by utri007 View Post
AExplorer and netmount uses IP

Radmin's Advanced lan scanner doesn't found them.
As far as I can tell, that program only looks for devices which use the same subnet as the Windows machine it is running on. Put another way, it cannot see devices in other subnets.

What the LAN scanner program does is quite straightforward. It sends a query to each server in the subnet, asking for the server's Ethernet hardware address to be provided for its IPv4 address (it sends ARP requests and briefly waits for responses to arrive). Once a response has arrived, it proceeds to connect to a select number of TCP ports on the server whose IPv4 address it just learned might be interesting. Which of these ports are currently accepting connection requests is reported, as well as which ports refused connection requests.

That's pretty much it. If a server on the same network as the Windows machine which performs these queries is up and running, then it might at least show up in the server list which the program shows. Even if no TCP ports accept connections, it would still be listed.

It found every other machine on my home lan. NAS, several windows machines and HP laserjet. Amigas, NAS and Laserjet uses static IP, others get IP from router's dhcp.

As I said, internet works, so no wrong subnet mask, no wrong gateway etc.
I doubt that this is the whole story. Given how the scanner program works, it appears likely to me that it does not report the Amigas because it really cannot find them. The reason why it cannot find them might be because they use a different IPv4 subnet. I am assuming that the missing Amigas are powered up, the TCP/IP stack is operational on each of them, and the networking hardware is connected to a switch where it can be expected to see the Windows machines.

Say, do you have Roadshow installed on at least one of those Amigas? Then you might be able to perform a test using the "tcpdump" command. This will work both for the demo version and the commercial version.

Begin by starting your Amiga, and make sure that the network is operational, using Roadshow. Then enter the following command in the shell:

tcpdump -D
It should print something like this, which are the network interface names it knows:

Please ignore the line which includes "loopback". Remember the name listed in the other entry, this being "Ariadne" in this example. You will probably see a different network interface name in its place.

Now enter the following command, replacing "Ariadne" with the network interface name which "tcpdump" just reported to you (see above):
tcpdump -i Ariadne -s 0 -e -vvv
Now start your network scan program and watch what happens on the Amiga which currently runs the "tcpdump" program. Something should be happening if the Amiga and your Windows computer are sharing the same IPv4 subnet.

These "tcpdump" command parameters do the following:
  • "-i Ariadne" selects the network interface to listen to.
  • "-s 0" tells the "tcpdump" command to capture each complete packet, and not just the first few bytes.
  • "-e" requests that the Ethernet hardware address should be captured, too.
  • "-vvv" enables maximum verbosity and most detailed output.

While the network scan is in progress, the very least you should be able to see would be lines which include "Broadcast, ethertype ARP (0x0806)" and "Request who-has".

If you cannot see even a single line with these keywords, then something's not configured configured correctly.
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