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Old 10 October 2016, 12:10   #11
Olaf Barthel
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Originally Posted by utri007 View Post
Olaf: Could you say something about my problem. Some time ago, I changed my home router. After that all my amigas turn invisible to Network. Internet / name resolution etc. works, but I can't connect to my amigas, with AExplorer, Netmount, etc. All these worked before router change. There is no firewall on my router, just plain NAT. Situation is same with Ami TCP and Roadshow.

All Windows machines are OK.
I believe you already asked for assistance in different Amiga forums, concerning this problem. While I read it, I could not make head or tail of the situation, as you described it. Changing the home router all by itself should not lead to "segregation" of the network members.

This promises to be a hairy issue to get to the bottom of. Not that I'm shy to dive into this kind of situation (see my "smbfs" port, for example), but I'm a little reluctant to offer you advice without knowlege of a whole lot of ugly details about your network configuration.

Let's start with what exactly you mean by "Amigas turn invisible". The next question would be what Windows versions are involved. And the next one would be how much control you have over the home router, i.e. can you view the configuration in detail, make changes, etc?
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