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Old 05 October 2016, 22:43   #8
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I guess MESS also emulates various 8- and 16-bit PC machines, but I don't know how well it does so at this point. I haven't tested it at all, but from what I have read, MESS has a pretty good handle on 8-bit platforms, but 16-bit is still pretty rough around the edges. And I have no idea as far as emulation of peripherals, which is what is really at issue here. My guess is that because MESS is so broad in scope, it might be easier to integrate emulation of PC video and sound peripherals from PCem into WinUAE, just because it is a much more focused and self-contained project.

My perspective on this is purely from a user experience perspective, as I'm not much of a programmer. So I can't speak to which project would be better from the perspective of code integration.

But if you have any other questions for me, or if there's anything out there you'd like me to test or investigate that would help you with the task of possibly integrating PC video and sound card emulation into WinUAE, let me know and I'll do whatever I can.

If it were possible to integrate the PC video and sound card components of PCem into WinUAE for use with the Bridgeboard emulation, that would be really stellar.
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