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Old 31 August 2001, 16:06   #1
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Arrow A page detailing *all* different SWOS releases and having them downloadable

What I mean is that I have come across numerous Amiga game sites and they have never closely examined their copies of SWOS to detail on what version it is or anything - they just slap it onto the site and nothing else. I have even come across sites that claim to have the '96-'97 edition when really it's the Euro '96 edition. Imbeciles.

It would be nice if there was a website that explained everything about the various SWOS releases as well as allowing you to download all of them.

It is easy to tell the different versions from one another by the title logo. If there's a blank space between the words "World" and "of", then it's one of the early versions. If there's a ball with the numbers "95-96" or "96-97" (or "97-98" if you use the 97-98 patch from Aminet), then, well, you know what I mean. If it's a flag with an image of a football surrounded by yellow stars (which represent the United Nations logo I think), then it's the European '96 edition.

Speaking of SWOS, I was trying out Codetapper's pre-installed version of SWOS 96-97 and noticed something bizarre. Although the title logo has the "96-97" ball, when you look at the miniaturised logo in the menus, it shows the "Euro 96" flag. Was the version Codetapper used to make the Action HD archive modified in some way, and files from two different versions have been mixed together? I know something's wrong because I tried a pre-installed JST version of '96-'97 (which I also have) and the menu graphics were correct for that version. It's menu bar layout was also different to the Action WHD edition.

I am hoping that Galahad will find the time to support the coverdisk demos of SWOS as well in his patch. All of them are different to one another, and I think they feature things you won't find in the full versions.

Also, if anyone wants me to, I can upload what appears to be a very, VERY early version of SWOS which was cracked by "Code Engineers". I found it on "Amiga Emulation Universe" ( There is no sing-a-long intro in this one (unlike the other editions) - it just goes straight to the title and game. It also plays the music from the coverdisk demos. I suppose the TOSEC team will be interested in it, anyhow. Here are some screenshots of this early edition. Notice the copyright line in the intro screen. (If it's too dark for any of you to see the line in the screenshot, let me know and I will try to alter the colors a bit to make it more visible.)

Also, Jaybee (creator of Amiga In A Box, click here for more info) made an HDF of a customised version of SWOS which was once available on the site's message board. It uses the '97-98 graphics (from the patch on Aminet) and features the '00-01 team data available at Jambo. If anyone wants to try it out I can upload it for you. Or you can ask Jaybee himself for it if you want.

Removed screenshot

Last edited by Ian; 21 October 2001 at 02:13.
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