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Old 18 September 2016, 22:12   #1
Posts: n/a
Intermintant Joystick port

I have a joystick port that isn't working 100% using the mouse works fine but it doesn't always register clicks. Joysticks are the main trouble. Atari 2600 sticks, Master System and Genesis pads have all sorts of issues. Atari 2600 sticks just don't work and Master System/Genesis pads just have all sorts of issues from movements not registering, to the wrong movement entirely.

Strangely enough, the keyboard has a bug, The Y and Z keys are reversed.

I have tested the Master System and Genesis pads and found them working, same with the Atari stick. Since I don't have a second Amiga, I tore down the mouse and tested the button with a voltage tester, and found that to be working.

Could it be the CIA chips? I haven't swapped them around to check that yet. I do have sound, and it's pretty clear.

The system is an A500 Rev 5 NTSC machine.
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