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Old 02 September 2016, 14:55   #352
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Apologies if this has already been discussed somewhere - I may have missed it in the 18 pages of this thread

First off, thanks to everyone on here for collecting together various links and saying good things about the idea of open sourcing.

I have been wondering recently about trying to recover source for older apps - there have been people who have managed to do it in the past, and I was considering emailing all of the authors listed on aminet (around 13,000) to ask if they could release any/all Amiga source they still have access to.

I would expect that most of the email addresses would bounce, and between ignores/rants/refusals, the actual success rate would be very low, but it's a cheap operation and maybe it gets a small amount of interesting source released.

Anyone have any thoughts on the idea?
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