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Old 13 August 2016, 14:20   #1
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Modern Trapdoor RAM killed my A500

Hi guys,

I'm new here so thanks for having me! I recently acquired a regular Amiga 500 from ebay - it's a B52 Rock Lobster and REV 5 motherboard.

After a lot of work I managed to reflash a Gotek virtual floppy drive, latterly deciding to splash out on a modern trapdoor RAM expansion to get me up to 1mb -

AVOID THESE AT ALL COSTS. Stick to the traditional A501.

My Amiga was working like a charm until I plugged this in. At first it was the dreaded green screen (apparently a sign of faulty Chip RAM) which has now become simply a black screen with a buzzing noise. I'm absolutely gutted.

I wish I'd never bought it, and would warn others to stick to the traditional A501. To all extents it seems this modern trapdoor RAM has killed my board or chips. Is it possible it's in conflict with other parts of the board? I've tried removing the offending RAM and it makes no difference, my Amiga now only shows a black screen. Just this second I've tried starting it again and it's not even green screening or buzzing anymore. No signal, it just sounds dead.

Any help would be great, but it really feels like it's beyond repair.
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