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Old 27 June 2016, 23:27   #5
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The CF card is a SanDisk. I also have a Kingston, but I got some errors while copying files with DirOpus onto it, so it's suspect.

I can see DH0 & DH1 which are on my CF in the early boot menu.

DH0 is enabled, priority 0, ADOS, scsi-0

If I select DH0 from the Select Boot Device menu and click Use and then Boot, I get the same results as if I attempt a "normal" boot:

CF adapter activity LED flashes a bit, some floppy drive clicks, brief white flash on the screen, more activity LED, black/blank screen, activity LED settles down and then... nothing

This is a stock A1200HD NTSC model with an Svideo mod, but no accelerator, RAM, or clock.

No issues booting the CF card in WinUAE connected to CF card reader in Windows 7.

I made a copy of WB3.1 and swapped out the original HDtoolbox for HDToolbox_CF - using that disk I did not get the error 7 and HDtoolbox recognized CF manufacturer, etc when I read the drive configuration. I created 2 volumes as I did the first time and formatted them, then proceeded to copy the System onto the CF per the tutorial.
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