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Old 02 June 2016, 00:16   #6
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Originally Posted by Mrs Beanbag View Post
think about the order these commands execute in.

in the first example the line "Amal 1..." never gets executed because the loop is looping forever.

in the second example the line "bob 1, SX, SY, GUY" only gets called before the start of the loop, so when SX is changed it doesn't update the bob's position to the new SX.

tbh i wouldn't mix AMAL with normal AMOS programming, it can only lead to confusion. Personally i never found AMAL very useful for in-game animation.
Personally I disagree.

IF you setup & leave AMAL to get on with the movement of "enemies" in a game, and then control the Player Bob/Sprite movements, you only have Collision detection between Player & Enemy to contend with from AMOS.

Obviously this depends on the game type, but USUALLY that's all you need for Lost lives or energy loss etc

If the Enemy/Player interaction is more complex, then of course it's going to be more difficult.

AMAL is powerful, and fast.

I find that If you detect collisions between ONE player & an AMAL object, it's fast & reliable.

The problem begins when you attempt to influence AMAL objects from each other, because the language isn't really designed for that.IMHO

(although it can be done, but not in interrupts, which kinda goes back to the beginning)

So... Animate & Move ENEMIES in AMAL but keep a close eye on your Player with AMOS(BASIC) which is MUCH easier to manipulate in realtime.

Again I stress this is dependent on the game type.
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