Thread: Der Reporter
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Old 25 June 2003, 10:11   #2
Give up the ghost
Join Date: Apr 2001
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Age: 33
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It looks like it could be the same game, but I was unable to download the adf from your site with Opera. Same thing I get at Underdogs telling me that the file is linked from a different site, which it obviously is not.

At any rate, I have the game already. I will double check my references and make the adjustment if needed. Thanks for the info.

As an added note: there's quite a number of Missing In Action messages on HOL at the moment. Not all of them are there because the games are actually MIA. Sometimes a bulk of games will be dumped into the database all at once or over a course of time, some days a bunch will get updates with not only scans but screenshots, as well. It's all down to whatever piece any of the given HOL members might be working on that day. Sometimes it's an organized sweep of a company, other times it can be random and disconnected, another day might be all logo updates, etc. It's still beta, so updates are frequent. Despite this, we still welcome any additional information anyone can shed on what is (or isn't) there.
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